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Left alone to ourselves we are helpless in our sin and can never be saved by our good works. I would have never chosen the Lord if he did not choose me first. God shifted my heart through hard circumstances and showed me I’m not in control.

God is so good and so worth following, no matter what hardships come my way, and He has promised me that I will dwell in His house forever. His praise will continually be in my mouth (Psalm 34:1). I encourage you to call on His name, too. He receives all who do!

Through all the storms of life, I know my faith in Jesus has been the unshakable source of peace and strength to sustain me through it all. Christ died for me. As perfect as I thought I was, I am reminded daily that I am a sinner in need of grace.

I love the comparison of myself to a dumb sheep who would fall off a cliff if it weren’t for our Shepherd who leads us, guides us, and protects us. God is faithful, His promises are true, and I continually learn the depth of my sin and my need for a savior every single day.

I always think I know so much, and I’ve got the Christian life down pat, until I round the next corner and learn that I don’t. Graciously, He keeps helping me along. I am so thankful for His sovereignty and grace in my life.

I was completely and utterly unable to make even the slightest contribution to my own salvation. But what I could not do, God did – and in doing it, He did it all, sending His own Son into the world to die on the cross for my sins (Romans 5:6).

I see now how the Lord in his mercy used so many things in my life to ‘hem me in’ during those years that I was wandering. I know without a doubt that he was gently guiding me back to himself. I am constantly amazed that God would choose to save a sinner like me, and I pray that he would continue to sanctify me and use me mightily for his kingdom and for his glory!

Jesus has impacted my life deeply, and I have been able to grow in my faith over the years through a number of important experiences.

The first few years of my sanctification process was chocked full of doubts and fears in regards to my salvation.

I am the first daughter in a family of 3 girls born to Portuguese Catholic parents from Newport, Rhode Island.