Our hope and aim when we gather together for worship is to see God's people gather to make much of Jesus in spirit and in truth.
Why We Gather Together
Gathering weekly for worship fuels a life of worship! We accomplish this by: preaching the word, reading the word, praying the word, singing the word, seeing the word, and being sent by the word. Because we want our lives to glorify God and bear fruit for eternity, we gather together weekly to re-orient our lives around the truths of the gospel.
Sunday Gathering Details
We gather for worship as a church family at Sandy Creek High School (360 Jenkins Rd, Tyrone, GA 30290). Our gatherings begin at 10:30 a.m. and will last 75-90 minutes.
Shaping Our Gathering to Shape God's People
Every church has a “liturgy,” a regular and familiar shape/pattern to their gathered worship service. The way in which we shape our worship gatherings communicates what we believe the Christian life is actually like. Since our desire is to “live all of life in light of the gospel,” we want our gathered worship to help shape this kind of life. The shape of our gatherings, then, will reflect the narrative of the gospel and be based upon how God instructs our worship in the Bible:
Welcome // God Gathers His People. We are invited by Christ to come before Him.
Adoration // To Show Us the Worth of His Glory. We remind one another that only God is worthy of our worship.
Confession // Turning Us from Sin and Back to Him. We confess our sin and weakness and by faith turn back to the Lord.
Assurance // Assuring Us through Christ’s Finished Work. We are assured of God’s goodness, our forgiveness, and our righteous standing before God because of Christ alone.
Instruction // That We Might Humbly Receive His Word. We hear God’s Word proclaimed that we might receive it by faith and bear fruit in obedience.
Communion // And See Visible Reminders of His Gospel. We participate in communion and see new believers baptized to remember the gospel of our Savior.
Commision // To Then Be Joyfully and Courageously Sent on Mission Together. We are the “sent ones” of God who are called to witness to the risen Christ and the power of his gospel.
The Values of Gathered Worship*
We take our values for gathered worship from Scripture and aim to embody these every time we gather in how we worship. We believe God's Word teaches that our worship should be:
God-centered // We gather because God is worthy of our worship and has shown him to be worthy of our praise in the gospel. (Isaiah 42:5-9)
Christ-centered // God has primarily revealed himself to us in the person and work of his Son, so we fix our eyes on and worship Jesus. (Colossians 1:15-20)
Word-centered // We gather because of the Word and according to the Word. The Scriptures are sufficient to guide us in our worship by the Spirit's power. (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Consecration // We gather weekly to remind ourselves of the gospel and turn back to the Lord, offering our whole lives to him in view of his mercy in Christ. (Romans 12:1-2)
Wholehearted // We gather to lift our eyes to our Creator and redeemer and respond with hearts that are fully engaged with the gospel message by faith. (2 Samuel 6:21-22 & Mark 14:3-9)
Reverent // We gather because God is sovereign and holy and he is to be revered in our awe and fear before him. (Hebrews 12:18-29)
Joy-filled // We gather to sing loudly with hearts that are full of the feast we have in Christ, rejoicing in the reality of our salvation! (Psalm 95:1-7)
*from Kent Hughes' Worship by the Book