Below are a few things that we hold dear in our hearts and hope will influence every aspect of our life together as a church family and our ministries.
The Sovereignty of God in All Things
The reality of God begins to be experienced when all of creation is seen as under His sovereign and gracious rule and care. We desire to let God be God in, through, and for all things.
The Gospel Displays the Glory of Christ
Gospel proclamation is the engine of the church today, just as it was for the early church, because when the good news of God’s salvation in Christ is preached, Jesus is shown to be the greatest, most beautiful, and true Treasure that ever was, is, or ever will be. Only when we come to Christ by grace through faith will we see His extravagant worth and live for His glory alone in all things.
The Spirit Works through the Word
The Spirit desires to convict sinners of their sin in order to lead them to repentance and faith in Christ. The Spirit brings life to our deadened hearts by convincing us that what the Scriptures proclaim actually reveals true reality.
Dependency Expressed through Prayer
One of the greatest expressions of our faith in Christ is through seeking God in prayer. Prayer is when we are “before God,” pouring our hearts out before Him believing that He cares for us and desires to intervene in our lives.
Gospel Doctrine Creates Gospel Culture
The truths of the gospel are eternal, beautiful, and unsearchable in their depths, and yet they are not merely meant for our minds only. We believe that knowledge of God in Christ is meant to bring about an ever-increasing transformation of the holiness of believers in the way they carry themselves and the way they interrelate with others, especially in their own family and local church.
Discipleship for All of Life
To know God is to come and see Christ as King of kings, which means there is no segment of our life, cultures, or world of which He does not rule over and influence our engagement with. The journey of the Christian life is coming to see every facet of our life as belonging to the Lord and joyfully submitting to Him.
Everyone Equipped for Gospel Ministry
God has called all believers to be “witnesses of Christ” and the power of the gospel to save sinners and to do their part in building and strengthening the church. Church leaders are tasked with equipping the saints so that they may fulfill their calling to play their part in seeing the church reach the full stature of maturity in Christ.
Passing on the Gospel to the Next Generation
In God’s wisdom, He has created family units to be mini-hubs of discipleship and gospel proclamation and formation. It is a high calling and joy that God blesses His people with children and it is our honor to faithfully declare the mighty acts of our God and His salvation to each coming generation.
A Hospitable, Patient, and Growing Fellowship
Remembering that we have been “saved by grace,” our posture towards the “church outsider” or the “not-yet believer” must be one that is marked by an awareness of our own testimonies. Since we want to see our fellowship grow, we want to be hospitable with those who are far from God and we want to be patient with new believers as they stumble with their first steps in their walks with Christ. We hope the Lord will mark our community with a hospitable and patient spirit with one another and with visitors and seekers, for “such were some of us.”
Public Faith for a Winsome Witness
Every believer is called to a faithful testimony of Christ in their own modern times and generation. No one picks the place or time in which they are born, yet we believe God providentially plans those details of each of our lives. It is our desire, then, to think biblically how we can be a winsome witness of Christ in our cultural context. We believe that knowledge of God brings real life and vibrancy to every sector of society (be it arts, government, business, etc) and we desire to bless our community by being salt and light.
Training & Sending Gospel Workers
Though every church is called to a “local” faithfulness, the Scriptures call us to consider how we might partner with like-minded ministries in the global Church to see the gospel make progress in our own day. We desire to see a constant “rotating door” of gospel goodbyes wherein faithful men and women are rooted in the faith and trained for gospel ministry to serve Christ wherever a door of faith may open.