Hi! I’m Lauren Oglesby: a sinner in need of a savior (Praise Jesus he has saved me!!), wife to Billy Oglesby, mother to Callie and Annabelle, sister and friend to many, new to Tyrone, and constantly being sanctified by the Holy Spirit!
Ever since I can remember I have been plagued with the desire to please others more than God. I have also always held a tight grip on my hopes/plans/dreams for the future and wanted to be in control of every area of my life. Throughout different seasons of my life, God has brought me to my knees in both of these strongholds - I have failed others countless times; my plans and dreams have fallen through.
In short, I realize over and over again that A) I can neither be my own savior nor the savior of others around me, and B) I cannot make perfect plans. I am not the Lord. I am fallen and I am weak! God has humbled me by stripping me of my reputation and control, and I have been forced to rely on HIM and not myself. Instead of feeling strong and in control, I feel vulnerable and out of control - at my weakest points, God has met me and reminded me of his strength and sovereignty.
I continue to be amazed by his power and grace in my life and the lives of those around me who choose to follow him. Although I feel like my mental, emotional, relational, and physical strength has diminished, I feel more freedom than I did when I was bound by both the opinion of others and my own rigid plans for my life. I have surrendered and have been saved by grace - not by my own works!