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I believe the most important form of discipleship happens in our homes and families. While we are doing real life in real time, there are constant opportunities to be discipled and to disciple as well. Do we always get it right? Of course not! But His grace propels us forward and the beauty of Jesus shines.

We must know our God to be able to create in a way that honors Him. In knowing Him, we are able to bring to light what contradicts His character and make what He calls beautiful shine even brighter.

The glorious and good news of the gospel is one of joyful proclamation that should be spread to every corner of the earth and lead to worship of our Triune God. What joy! What an honor!

[Medicine should be done] as an apprentice to the Great Physician—who is both the healer, and most importantly, the eternal cure—for his glory and not your own.

I’ve been writing secular lyrics for a long time; but lately, as my faith has gone into high gear, the Holy Spirit has been calling me to write praise lyrics. And I’ve been picking up on little phrases here or there that have sparked ideas for themes to write about.

Within the church body, we worship together, grow together, serve one another, disciple one another, and gaze at Christ together. Among all of the essential activities that take place within the life of the church, we should ask the question, “Are events that are geared primarily towards fellowship really necessary?”