To Disciple & to Be Discipled
May 8, 2024To many, the word discipleship conjures up feelings of burdensome obedience. In reality, it is a gateway of joyful and exciting participation in all that God is doing! Is it messy at times? Sure. It is also one of the most fulfilling parts of our walk with Jesus. Discipleship can take on almost any form as we come beside a person and gently, consistently and transparently point them to Christ in all areas of life. Some may think of this as a pastoral responsibility or something that happens only in a dedicated space, such as church groups. I love the example of Jesus and the way He demonstrated discipleship in everyday life. For Him, this was all day, everyday. He also set an example for us in total dependence on the Father for sustained peace, strength and encouragement.
I have the privilege of being involved in a wonderful cohort group filled with women who love Jesus passionately and want to serve Him as well. I like to send Bible verses each morning to encourage and I enjoy hearing how He is speaking to others in similar ways. I love the bond of Christ that we share! Praying for each other allows us to see His power move in different areas of our lives. When we see the result of consistent prayer, our trust in Him builds individually as well as a group.
I also have the privilege of leading Restoring Your Heart women’s groups and working with teens one on one in this ministry. Restoring Your Heart allows a person to look at their life from birth to present and to seek the Lord in healing areas that have been hidden or stuck in wounding.
The Lord always transforms our minds through His Word and allows us to reset patterns that have been damaging to us and those around us. This form of discipleship has allowed me to work with others in ministry across the world, as well as starting local neighborhood groups.
In working with neighbors, Restoring Your Heart has also been used as an evangelical tool. After all, Jesus is the only Healer! I am always the one who benefits the most. God always blesses us when we join Him in disciple building.
I believe the most important form of discipleship happens in our homes and families. While we are doing real life in real time, there are constant opportunities to be discipled and to disciple as well. Do we always get it right? Of course not! But His grace propels us forward and the beauty of Jesus shines.
Who will God have us speak to today that needs a warm reflection of His truth and grace? He is worthy.
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:19)