Behold the Lamb of God
May 28, 2023 Preacher: David Meade Scripture: Revelation 5:1–14 Series: Guest Preachers // Sermons from Guest Preachers

Elder's Who Care for Christ's Church
May 21, 2023 Preacher: Steve Krogh Series: Guest Preachers // Sermons from Guest Preachers

The King's Denouncements & Invitation
May 14, 2023 Preacher: Zach Fallon Scripture: Matthew 11:20–30 Series: Confronting the King // Sermons on Matthew 11-12

The King's Forerunner
May 7, 2023 Preacher: Zach Fallon Scripture: Matthew 11:1–20 Series: Confronting the King // Sermons on Matthew 11-12