Workshop // Engaging Culture with Authentic Spirituality (An Evening w/ Pastor Josh Moody)

March 6, 2023

7:00pm – 8:30pm

Event Description
As Christians we are called to reach our world for Jesus. But the world around is rapidly changing. How do we engage contemporary cultural with biblical authentic real spirituality in a way that honors Jesus and is effective for his glory? Join us for an evening with Pastor Josh Moody as we consider these things together. Pastor Moody's lecture will be followed by a time of Q&A.

About Pastor Josh Moody
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church. He is the president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, which proclaims God’s Word worldwide through daily broadcasts on Moody RadioOne Place, podcasts, and live-streaming on

Special Note
If you have already registered for our workshop on "Always Reforming" you do not need to register for this event. Your seat is already saved!